Monday, March 26, 2012

Recycled Fears for the Weekly Alibi

Here's an editorial illustration I did to accompany an article for the Weekly Alibi about the wariness a neighbourhood is experiencing over a new recycling service moving into town. Because this magazine is in New Mexico I try to ensure my illustrations look like they are set in that locale; details like roofing, colours, vegetation... Some types of cacti don't grow in New Mexico and the art director has had to correct me on two occasions! 

This illustration was a cover for the Weekly Alibi a few years back. It was also an American Illustration chosen image! The cacti on the left were ones I'd had to change. Sadly, I can't remember the other occasion I bungled my fauna :P. 

Sketch! This was for the 12th issue so I made the house number 12. 

Even sketchier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice Julia!