Monday, January 25, 2016


I'm excited to announce I'm part of CHOGRIN's latest art show, PIXELHEARTS! The show will be displayed at Gallery1988 West in LA. The theme is video game culture. Each artwork is printed on a 12x12" wood panel that's 3/4" thick and cut into a pixelated heart shape. A pretty fun and unique project!
The show's tumblr is here.
And here's a peek of a bit of my piece:
More to come!
-- Julia

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New illo for Macleans

The subject of this illustration was very safety-conscious so I gave the frame those soft foamy safety corners. Or they could be those Styrofoam corners that picture frames come with.
I'm always pleased to do these. My parents have a subscription to Macleans so it's a treat for them to get my art delivered right to their door!
-- Julia